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After a brief stint as his office’s receptionist during Sydney’s selective lockdown last year, this chief executive knew there had to be an easier way to manage trade relations. Andrew Colagiuri is the brains behind FLK It Over.
Mr Colagiuri spent a week operating the reception desk at his Sydney office after the city’s 2021 lockdown impacted 11 of his 14 employees. In this time, he experienced the archaic and outdated check-in and out systems for property keys, leading to the creation of FLK IT KEY.
“Like most businesses at the time, there was no option to roll up the sleeves and do whatever was needed to keep the business going, this meant spending some time on reception,” the CEO and founder stated.
“After some research we found most offices still use a checkout book, or excel spreadsheet so there was definitely an appetite for an updated system that not only tracks keys, but works seamlessly and delivers a great experience for their trades who often hold keys and return when they are back in the area, not knowing the urgency,” he explained.
With trades constantly busy and on the move, taking phone calls and answering messages are not always easy feats; he outlined that the software’s smart SMS conversations are quick and efficient while keeping the trades informed and updated.
FLK IT KEY allows “keys to be logged and photographed in the platform and an overdue section enables managers to quickly see what keys need to be followed up”.
The technology uses a text messaging system to notify trades and tenants that their keys are overdue and need to be handed back.
“FLK has an automated conversation on the agent’s behalf via SMS. It then emails this conversation to the agent. It’s all about using technology to deliver efficiencies,” Mr Colagiuri added.
“It enables those with the overdue keys the ability to respond with the touch of a button explaining the delay or date of intention for returning the keys. This puts an end to chasing the return of keys with endless phone calls and the technology makes it very simple to see who needs reminding to return the keys.”
He explained too that the innovation aims to allow property managers to divert their energy away from chasing keys — which can be extremely time-consuming, especially on a larger scale — towards more productive activities, saving both time and money.
“If the agency has 300 rental properties and uses this technology rather than manually updating the traditional spreadsheets and endless phone calls, they usually have over 20 to 30 keys out at any time so the time save by nature is massive,” he clarified.
Mr Colagiuri concluded that “if agencies want to increase profits, they will need property managers to manage more properties and the only way they can do this is through improving efficiencies by using the latest technology”.
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