“It seemed too easy to get the extra money out of the buyer at the time,” said Pillinger.
The Wallangra Road house is the prime asset in the estate of Caddick, 49, who disappeared almost two years ago, a day after her home was raided by officers from the corporate regulator ASIC and the federal police.
Over eight years, Caddick stole more than $23 million, mainly from friends and family who thought she was investing their money in shares.
About three months after Caddick disappeared the remains of her foot were found in her running shoe when it washed up on a remote South Coast beach.
Gleeson told The Sydney Morning Herald’s Kate McClymont last month that he was shocked at the state of the house when Caddick’s husband, Anthony Koletti, vacated in May. As well as rotting food in the fridge, Koletti, a hairdresser, DJ and sometimes prawn breeder, left behind unwanted pieces of furniture as well as his fish tanks.
For two months before the house hit the market through Sotheby’s International the house underwent a cosmetic up-grade in which tradesmen installed new floors, painted and recarpeted other parts of the house.
Caddick’s multimillion-dollar collection of jewellery, designer clothes and artwork is expected to be auctioned later in the year.
In the eight years Caddick owned the house the median house price in Dover Heights has almost doubled, according to CoreLogic figures.
In 2014 the median house price was $2,669,963 and as of September it was $5,276,581, although local house values are down 13 per cent since the market peaked in January.
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